What to do on a bad hair day
We all have them the inevitable bad hair day. Whether its time for a hair wash, a style you thought would work just didn’t or it is just one of those days where your hair isn’t cooperating. Before having a haircut at home, here are a few easy tips to help save your scalp.
Dry Shampoo
One way to tackle those greasy tresses and turn your bad hair day into good one is with dry shampoo.If you haven’t had the opportunity to try dry shampoo or just never heard of it lets fill you in. Dry Shampoo is a powder like substance in a aerosol can designed to absorb oils and add volume to the hair. The way it works is pretty simple, the alcohol or starch in the product soaks up the excess oil and grease in your hair, giving it a cleaner, fresher appearance. You can start by spraying your roots lightly, let it sit a minute or two, then brush it out. A pro tip is using it little by little seeing how much is needed. Over applying may cause a powdery appearance. Now that some of the oil has been absorbed styling your hair as normal should be easy for a much improved look.
Messy Bun/Braids

Another way to help spruce up a bad hair day is trying a messy bun or braid style. A messy bun is a super easy and effortless style. Like the name a “messy” bun does not need to be perfect or polished so you can get away with any mishaps your unruly hair might be giving you.
There is really no wrong way to style a messy bun so just grab a hair tie and some product and go for it. Braids are super trendy right now and can be styled in so many different ways. Braids can be a quick and easy style when having a bad hair day. Braids hold best on unwashed hair and tend to look better when hair isn’t perfect making them perfect for greasy hair or when it just won’t cooperate. There are so many styles of braids to try giving you endless options on those bad hair days.Both styles help disguise unwashed hair and tame it so you can’t go wrong trying either.
A Cute Hat or Headband

If you are short on time or none of the above helps that bad hair day pull out a cute hat or headband. A hat is the easiest way to disguise a bad hair day, and it looks fashionable with almost any look. Whether a baseball cap or something a bit more fancy your hair will be hidden helping you to get out of the door pretty quickly forgetting all about whats underneath. A headband can also help on a bad hair day. Headbands can hide those oily roots and add a bit of style to a boring outfit or just add a little something to your messy bun or braid style. Hair accessories are very trendy at the moment so try out different fun new items to help spruce up your style.
So next time you are having a not so good hair day remember its only a bad hair day if you allow it to be. Don’t fret and use one of these simple solutions to turn your day and your hair around.
And if all that doesn't do the trick , find a mobile hairstylist near you ;-)